A Blog!

Welcome to the Coldtype blog.

You may be wondering why an open-source typography/graphics library needs a blog, and the answer is… I thought it would be fun to write some un-structured stuff about this open-source typography/graphics library.

At this moment in the library’s existence, though I know there are some people out there trying it out, I’m the only person that has used Coldtype extensively. Consequently, the library and its features are very closely related to my own interests. Well, that’s kind of obvious I guess — what I mean is, more generally, there are a ton of bizarre features in Coldtype (particularly related to animation) that come from my own experiences attempting to combine commercial animation software with Python code, or my own experiences trying to combine commercial type design software with Python code, or my experiences trying to design commercial audio plugins with Python code.

So the plan for this blog is to shed some light on the motivation behind those bizarre features — and even if no one reads it, it’ll be a nice thing for me to read in the future and think, oh, right, that’s why I did that.

(Revised 11/14/2022)

from coldtype.notebook import *
from coldtype.warping import warp
from coldtype.fx.skia import phototype

@renderable((600, 200))
def header(r):
    return (StSt("A BLOG", Font.MutatorSans(), 150, wght=0.75, tu=-150, r=1)
        .align(r, tx=1, ty=1)
        .ch(phototype(r, blur=3, cut=150, cutw=20
            , fill=hsl(0.6, 1, 0.55))))